There are four types of treatment of Mesothelioma cancer.




Surgery : 
If your cancer is relatively contained in the lining around the lungs or the abdomen, you may be eligible for aggressive surgery. This option can be potentially curative. In addition to an aggressive surgery, you may be given some type of radiation and chemotherapy with the goal of killing the cancer cells that are left behind after surgery.

There also are less traumatic and more palliative surgeries available. Often these are used if you are not healthy enough to withstand the strain of a major surgery, or if the cancer already has spread. The goal of these surgeries is to relieve some of your symptoms and help you to feel better. You may also have chemotherapy and radiation before or after these surgeries.
Chemotherapy :
Chemotherapy is used in treating most types of cancer, including mesothelioma. Chemotherapy drugs, which are usually delivered by an IV into a vein in your arm, are designed to kill cancer cells.

The most common and most successful chemotherapy drugs for someone with mesothelioma are cisplatin and pemetrexed. A milder chemotherapy cocktail that uses pemetrexed with carboplatin often achieves the same results but with fewer side effects.
If you have peritoneal mesothelioma, your doctor may suggest a multimodal treatment called heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). Also known as heated chemotherapy, this therapy is given immediately after surgery to help kill off the microscopic cancer cells that surgeons unavoidably miss. In one study involving more than 400 peritoneal patients, overall median survival after HIPEC extended beyond four years.
Because chemotherapy drugs affect cancer cells as well as healthy cells, you may feel worse after treatment. This is why some patients choose not to have chemotherapy. For many people, however, this feeling and other negative side effects wear off over time, and they experience notable improvements. A good specialist can help you understand your options.
Radiation Therapy : 
Radiation therapy is noninvasive and uses high-energy rays to target the cancer. It is typically paired with other treatment options to help shrink tumors or manage tumor growth. It doesn’t have the strong side effects that chemotherapy does, and it often helps reduce the physical pain of mesothelioma.
However, because radiation can be toxic to various organs, and damages DNA while killing cancer cells, it is used sparingly and only with certain types of mesothelioma. Radiation also can be used in a palliative situation when surgery is no longer an option.


While each cancer treatment option may have benefits by itself, cancer specialists often opt for a more effective multimodal approach — a patient-tailored mix of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. This strategy involves specialists in each field putting together a plan that is right for you.
Some people who try this multi-faceted approach are able to control mesothelioma. The key is involving specialists in each of the fields working together.


Mesothelioma is a cancer that attacks the lubricative layer lining the inside of the chest and abdomen and the internal organs. Pathologists categorize mesothelioma cancer cases according to levels of criteria, which are as follows:

  • Lungs (pleural mesothelioma)
  • Abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma)
  • Heart (pericardial mesothelioma)
  • Stage 1 Mesothelioma (cancer cells have started to form)
  • Stage 2 Mesothelioma (cancer has spread locally)
  • Stage 3 Mesothelioma (cancer has spread to adjoining areas)
  • Stage 4 Mesothelioma (cancer has begun to metastasize)
Cellular Structure:
  • Epithelial (organized and structured)
  • Sarcomatoid (random and irregular)
  • Biphasic (a mix of epithelial and sarcomatoid)
  • Desoplastic (a variation of the sarcomatoid variety)
Cellular structure is determined by an actual visual examination of the cells under a microscope.


Sarcomatoid mesothelioma accounts for approximately 10 to 15 percent of all diagnoses. The mesothelioma cell types in this case are elongated and spindle-shaped, and are arranged in a rather haphazard way. Sarcomatoid cells also lack a nucleus, unlike epithelioid cells, which have clearly visible nuclei.
The desoplastic variety of sarcomatoid mesothelioma is difficult to distinguish from healthy tissue in many cases, making an accurate mesothelioma diagnosis challenging.


Once mesothelioma symptoms have been cataloged and a history of asbestos exposure determined, the next step is to look inside the body – initially with x-rays, followed up by more sophisticated imaging such as CT scans or MRIs. If these images reveal serious abnormalities, a biopsy (tissue samples) will be ordered. These are examined and analyzed at a lab, which usually confirms or contradicts the diagnosis.
When it comes to the sarcomatoid mesothelioma, traditional methods of biopsy pose additional challenges; the normal “needle core” method often results in false information, as sarcomatoid cells are often similar in appearance to benign fibrous tissue. Additionally, histological methods of diagnosis often make it difficult to distinguish between sarcomatoid mesothelioma and other types of unrelated sarcomatoid cancers.
A precise and accurate diagnosis is vital, because a misdiagnosis can lead to an inappropriate course of mesothelioma treatment being prescribed; it is a good idea to get a second and even a third opinion if mesothelioma is suspected.


Although the details will differ depending on the individual case, all forms of cancer are treated through some combination of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. How these are administered depends on the location and stage of the cancer.
Unfortunately, sarcomatoid mesothelioma is notoriously resistant to treatment, and the mesothelioma prognosis is not good. The average mesothelioma survival rate between diagnosis and death is seven months.


The out of pocket costs associated with sarcomatoid mesothelioma treatment can be significant. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed, you should strongly consider taking steps to help offset this potential financial burden. Some insurance companies may not completely cover the cost of diagnostic tests, clinical trials or other alternative treatments. Learn more about the financial assistance that is available to you including mesothelioma trust funds and other grants to cover expenses. You may also have legal rights to compensation from asbestos companies liable for your exposure to asbestos.


The celomic cavity develops early in embryogenesis and is divided by partitioning membranes into the pleural, pericardial and peritoneal cavities. These body cavities are lined by tissue referred to as serosa that have a visceral and parietal layer. The serosal tissue is composed of a layer of epithelial mesothelial cells separated from the underlying connective tissue component by a basement membrane. Mesotheliomas arise from cells forming this serosal membrane. The majority of mesotheliomas (90-95%) arise in the pleural cavity whereas about 5 to 10% arise in the peritoneal cavity. Primary pericardial mesotheliomas are extremely uncommon. Mesotheliomas can arise in the tunica vaginalis which is an invagination of the peritoneum.
Serosal tissue is an extremely reactive type of tissue and shows a prominent reaction to almost any form of injury. Epithelial mesothelial cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia can become extremely severe and be confused with epithelial mesothelioma. Likewise, multipotential subserosal cells proliferate forming a highly cellular invasive appearing type process. One of the most difficult areas in “mesothelioma pathology” is differentiating reactive epithelial mesothelial cell proliferation from an epithelial mesothelioma and from differentiating reactive multipotential subserosal cell proliferation from a sarcomatoid or desmoplastic mesothelioma.
At the time most pleural mesotheliomas are diagnosed, they are composed of multiple small nodules studding the visceral and parietal pleural surface. These nodules range from 1 mm. to occasionally 1 cm. In the majority of cases, this proliferation is associated with a pleural effusion, the pleural fluid usually having the features of an exudate.
As time progresses, the nodules coalesce to form solid tumors that in the case of pleural mesotheliomas encase the lung and obliterate the pleural cavity. Mesotheliomas frequently invade chest wall skeletal muscle and sometimes directly invade skin and subcutaneous tissue. They likewise invade lung parenchyma. It is not uncommon for mesotheliomas to show variability in the thickness of the rind of tumor that encases the lung. In general, the tumor is usually much thicker at the base of the pleural cavity than it is at the apex. Frequently, mesotheliomas have a nodular morphology and if the rind of tumor is relatively thin, these nodules can be confused with primary lung cancers. Occasionally, mesotheliomas metastasize to hilar lymph nodes and produce a hilar mass that is significantly more recognizable radiographically than the thin rind of tumor that encases the lung. Mesotheliomas also frequently directly invade pericardium and sometimes myocardium. It is not uncommon for pleural mesotheliomas to invade through the hemidiaphragms and extend into the abdominal cavity.
Some epithelioid mesotheliomas produce excess amounts of hyaluronic acid and proteoglycans. Tumors that produce these substances are “slick” and “slimy”. They often have large cystic areas filled with a tannish gelatinous material.
Peritoneal mesotheliomas are similar to pleural mesotheliomas in that they also begin as multiple small nodules that over a period of time coalesce to form a rind of tumor tissue that encase various organs within the abdominal cavity. Sometimes this can be so extensive that the bowel and other organs are compressed to the point of being nonexistent. As with pleural mesotheliomas, most peritoneal mesotheliomas initially are associated with an effusion.
Primary mesotheliomas that arise in the tunica vaginalis often present as a mass in that location. They sometimes remain localized, although not infrequently invade the peritoneal cavity and extensively involve it.
Primary pericardial mesotheliomas are rare. To diagnose a primary pericardial mesothelioma, one has to be certain that the tumor involving the pericardium does not represent an extension of a pleural mesothelioma. Pericardial mesotheliomas are like other mesotheliomas in that they start out as small nodules that coalesce to form a rind of tumor around the heart with obliteration of the pericardial cavity.
Rarely, mesotheliomas occur as localized masses rather than diffusely involving a body cavity. These occur most frequently in the pleural cavity and are called localized malignant mesotheliomas.
Symptoms referable to the site that mesotheliomas begin are often so dominating that metastases are not searched for in mesothelioma. However, metastases are relatively common in mesothelioma, although not as common as one sees in primary lung cancers. The most common site mesotheliomas metastasize to is bronchopulmonary and hilar lymph nodes. The next most common site is to the pleural surface of the lung not involved by tumor. Mesothelioma metastases can involve almost any organ, including adrenal glands, liver, kidneys, etc. There have been about 20 or 25 reported cases of mesotheliomas metastasizing to brain. Desmoplastic mesotheliomas have a propensity to metastasize to bone and can be a diagnostic dilemma because they resemble benign fibrous tissue.
Mesotheliomas are subtyped into four major categories: 1. Epithelial 2. Sarcomatoid – fibrous 3. Biphasic – mixed 4. Desmoplastic (this is considered a variant of a sarcomatoid mesothelioma) This classification scheme is extremely simple compared to what actually exists. There are numerous subtypes of epithelial mesothelioma (Table 1) and there are numerous patterns that one sees with sarcomatoid mesotheliomas and biphasic mesotheliomas. When large tissue samples are available such as a pleural pneumonectomy specimen or an autopsy specimen, it is common to see variable differentiation. One can often see five or six histologic types of differentiation by the tumor and the more sections one takes, the more likely the tumor is found to be biphasic. Sarcomatoid mesotheliomas can show homologous or heterologous differentiation including osteocartilaginous and lipomatous differentiation. It is debatable whether they show vascular differentiation.
Desmoplastic mesotheliomas are probably the most difficult of all mesotheliomas to diagnose. They should not be diagnosed from a needle core biopsy. The primary differential diagnosis is fibrosing pleuritis. The criteria for diagnosing desmoplastic mesothelioma include: 1. Over 50% of the tumor has to be composed of relatively dense hypocellular fibrous tissue that not infrequently forms vague nodules. 2. Areas of increased cellularity that have the features of a sarcomatoid mesothelioma. 3. Focal areas of stellate necrosis. 4. Invasion of subparietal pleural fat/chest wall or invasion of the lung (most important). In fibrosing pleuritis, there are more reactive tissue changes with capillary proliferation, inflammation and fibrin deposition. The capillaries that proliferate in the pleura are usually perpendicular to the surface of the pleura which is not seen in desmoplastic mesothelioma.
One has to remember that when desmoplastic mesotheliomas invade or metastasize, they can look extremely bland and can be misdiagnosed as benign fibrous tissue.


Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that occurs in the thin cell walls surrounding the abdominal cavity, known as the peritoneum. This thin membrane acts a lubricant within the abdominal cavity so that surrounding organs and internal body structures may contract and expand within their normal body function. Incidence of peritoneal mesothelioma is quite rare, and typically presents in less than 500 individuals in the United States each year.

Other types of mesothelioma include the more common malignant pleural mesothelioma, occurring in the chest wall membrane surrounding the lungs, and malignant pericardial mesothelioma, which occurs in the pericardial lining of the heart. Peritoneal mesothelioma is the second rarest form of the disease and accounts for approximately 20% of all mesothelioma cases each year.


Peritoneal mesothelioma is known only to be caused by exposure to asbestos, a microscopic natural fiber that was used heavily in industry. Asbestos is said to reach the abdominal wall by one of two methods. The first is through ingested asbestos fibers which are processed through digestion and become lodged in the peritoneum. The other method is through the lungs and lymph nodes by inhaled asbestos fibers. Malignant mesothelioma of the pleura is also known to metastasize directly into the abdominal cavity if its spread is not slowed.

Many of those who have worked with asbestos materials have developed peritoneal mesothelioma as a result of exposure to friable asbestos fibers. Asbestos was used in a myriad of industrial materials and construction products. Exposure to asbestos was common in aluminum plants, steel mills, power plants, and naval shipyards.

Peritoneal mesothelioma is a relatively rare disease, with only 200-500 diagnoses each year in the United States being documented. Risk, however, is sustained in those who have been exposed to asbestos. Even those exposed many years ago are potentially at risk for the development of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma. Latency between exposure to asbestos and the development of peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms can range anywhere from 20-50 years. Misdiagnosis is common because peritoneal mesothelioma symptoms closely mimic minor stomach/abdominal discomfort and hernia. Nevertheless, those with clear asbestos exposure history should be aware of their risk of disease and speak with their doctor or cancer specialist if they believe they may be experiencing symptoms indicative of mesothelioma.


Prognosis of mesothelioma patients is poor, and peritoneal mesothelioma patients are no exception. Most peritoneal treatment regimens for patients include palliative methods such as mesothelioma chemotherapy and radiation therapy. However, if the disease is diagnosed in its earlier stages, patients such as those diagnosed with stage 1 mesothelioma, may be eligible for surgical resection of the disease, which could potentially add years to the initial prognosis.

Surgery is possible for patients diagnosed with earlier-stage disease. Some surgical options include peritonectomy and palliative procedures. Certain physicians, including Dr. David Sugarbaker of the International Mesothelioma Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA, have become extremely well versed and experienced in the surgical treatment of malignant mesothelioma. In many cases, surgical treatment for mesothelioma will be coupled with chemotherapy or radiation therapy regimens.

Chemotherapy is the most common treatment for mesothelioma disease. Currently, there is only a single chemotherapy regimen (Alimta® (pemetrexed) in conjunction with Cisplatin) approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a prescribed therapy for the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma. There are however, dozens of clinical trials being conducted for mesothelioma patients experimenting with new drugs, including Gemcitabine, Navelbine, Onconase, and others for the treatment of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma.


Doctors may suspect peritoneal mesothelioma if the patient complains of stomach, chest, or abdominal pain. Suspicious hernias may actually be a peritoneal effusion caused by peritoneal tumor growth. Misdiagnosis is common and patients will likely undergo multiple imaging scans and a diagnostic biopsy before an official diagnosis is made.

Diagnostic procedures in which fluid is extracted from the peritoneum for lab testing are the only way to conclusively diagnose peritoneal mesothelioma. Samples will be examined for the presence of malignant cells. Once malignant cells are detected, further testing will be needed to classify these cells as malignant mesothelioma.


The costs associated with treatment for a peritoneal mesothelioma diagnosis can be often be very significant. Sometimes insurance companies may not cover the cost of diagnostic tests, clinical trials or other experimental therapies. If you or a loved one is diagnosed, you should strongly consider taking steps to help offset this potential financial burden. Learn more about the financial assistance that is available to you if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma and exposed to asbestos. Financial aid options available to you can include mesothelioma trust funds as well as grants to cover travel, treatment and housing.



Mr. Eiglarsh has tried countless jury trials and numerous “Bench trials.” He has obtainednumerous acquittals and produced hundreds of positive results for clients in both State and Federal Court as a result of his experience as both a trial attorney and a negotiator. He is a very unique lawyer in that he is honest, ethical and impeccable with his word. He’s extremely well respected and admired by his current and former clients. Mr. Eiglarsh always is a straight talker and doesn’t sugar coat things. He treats his clients the way he wants to be treated by other professionals. Furthermore, he’s zealous, aggressive and fights hard for his client’s rights, even putting their interests before his own. He does all in his power to obtain the best possible outcome under challenging circumstances. After over two decades litigating cases, he has a proven track record of success.


Mark Eiglarsh is a member of many professional and community service organizations including:

Member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
Member of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, where he served on the Board of Directors of the Miami Chapter.
Member of the Dade County Bar Association, where he previously served on the Board of Directors
Serves as an Ambassador for the Miami chapter of Big Brothers/Big Sisters, previously serving on the Board of Directors for (since 1998) and previously served as a mentor to an “at risk” child. He served as past legal counsel to the agency and chair of the Volunteer Recruitment Council.

Ken Swartz is an accomplished Miami criminal defense lawyerwith over 25 years of experience in criminal defense law. Named to the list of Florida Super Lawyers for the past two years for his criminal defense expertise, Swartz was also named as a Finalist for Most Effective Lawyers of 2008 in the category of criminal justice. He has been Board Certified by the Florida Bar as an expert in the field of Criminal Trial Law for the past ten years.

Additionally, Ken Swartz has been recognized by the Daily Business Review of South Florida in their awards for Florida attorneys who performed the most impressive work and the cases where they made their mark. He has received the highest possible rating from other lawyers and judges (AV Peer Review Rating from Martindale-Hubbell). According to Martindale-Hubbell, this rating recognizes lawyers who have “reached the height of professional excellence. He has usually practiced law for many years, and is recognized for the highest levels of skill and integrity.”

Swartz’s Criminal Defense Practice Focuses Upon White Collar Crime
Ken Swartz has successfully represented persons throughout Florida and across the country facing criminal charges in state and federal court where the crimes alleged to have occurred involved white collar crimes, such as bank fraud; mortgage fraud; and other economic and business crimes. Mr. Swartz has also represented people who have been charged with Medicare fraud and other health care investigations; as well as income tax evasion and other tax investigations. He has successfully handled internet crime cases involving pornography on the web and other sex related crimes. Ken Swartz’s criminal defense practice also includes defending against charges of federal and state drug offenses, such as importation, possession and distribution, and money laundering.

The “Dirty Bomber” Case
His name may be familiar to many due to the media scrutiny surrounding a case where Mr. Swartz represented the lead defendant in the United States v. Jose Padilla, a 4-month federal jury trial that drew international attention for the high stakes prosecution of the man dubbed the “Dirty Bomber.” In that case, Ken Swartz successfully convinced the judge to reject the government’s request for a life sentence, obtained a sentence that was well below the federal sentencing guidelines.

Leader in the Florida Criminal Defense Bar
For the past eight years (since 2001), Ken Swartz has been organizer and program chair of the annual Advanced Federal Criminal Practice seminar, sponsored by the Criminal Law Section, recognized as the preeminent federal practice seminar for attorneys in Florida as miami criminal defense lawyer. Swartz is also an active member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Mr. Swartz is a former president of the Miami Chapter of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys, a member of its statewide board of directors, and serves on the Executive Council of the Florida Bar Criminal Law Section.

Additionally, Mr. Swartz has written several articles on criminal defense practice for the Florida Defender, the publication for the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers that is read by to criminal defense lawyers and judges throughout the state.  As a lecturer, Ken Swartz has spoken countless times on issues involving federal criminal law.

Swartz Honed His Criminal Defense Expertise by Handling over 1000 Federal Cases as a Top Federal Defender
Prior to the formation of Swartz Law Firm, Ken Swartz was a supervisor in the Federal Defender Office of South Florida, one of the busiest and distinguished Federal Defender offices in the country.  There he practiced in Federal Court on a daily basis and handled well over 1000 felony criminal cases, achieving an impressive win record for his defense clients as he accumulated one acquittal after another.

Rodney Thaxton Memorial “Against All Odds” Award Recipient
Recently, Ken Swartz was awarded the Rodney Thaxton Memorial “Against All Odds” Award by the Miami Chapter of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers for his work representing a the lead defendant in the Jose Padilla case.  This honor is awarded each year to criminal defense lawyers who take on a particularly difficult case and represents the heart and spirit of criminal defense.

Facing State or Federal criminal charges in Miami is a frightening experience.  This is especially true for a person who has never had contact with the criminal justice system, whether it be in Miami or anywhere else. You need an experienced criminal lawyer on your side

As practicing criminal defense lawyers, sometimes it’s easy forget how a criminal case looks from a client’s perspective:  Suddenly, you find yourself thrust into a world you never imagined you would be a part of, and subjected to indignities you never thought you would experience. The stress of being the subject of an investigation or the trauma of being arrested and booked into a filthy, overcrowded Miami jail can truly be overwhelming. It will make you question your most basic assumptions about what kind of person you are.

The first three things that go through your mind while selecting miami criminal defense attorney :

1) How will this affect my job?

2) How will this affect my family?

3) How will this impact the opinion everyone has of me?

A criminal conviction can also impact your ability to rent a home or live in certain communities. If you are not a citizen, a criminal conviction can even get you deported.

Fortunately, there’s a chance that your life can go back to normal. But timing is critical. You need to know your rights under the law and act to protect them immediately.

Don’t wait to get help.

Timely intervention, negotiation, and preparation by an experienced  State & Federal criminal defense attorney are your best option.

Our law firm’s practice is exclusively limited to both State & Federal criminal defense in Miami and other cities, with a strong emphasis on the trial phase of legal advocacy. Our criminal defense lawyers have defended a wide range of state and state and federal criminal cases in Miami, as well as other jurisdictions in Florida. Our trial experience, along with a personal commitment to our clients, combine to offer the prospective client competent representation in a supportive, hands-on environment. As criminal defense attorneys, our philosophy is grounded in the strong belief that our clients should be fully informed about every aspect of their case as it progresses.

Over the past 16 years, we have guided countless people through this emotional and legal maze with two goals in mind:

1) avoiding jail if at all possible, and,

2) avoiding a criminal conviction.



You’ve come to the right place. If you have been exposed to asbestos in consumer products, the environment, or from working in an industry likely to be exposed to asbestos — like construction, mining, manufacturing, longshore — and have developed health issues resulting from asbestos exposure, an asbestos and mesothelioma lawyer can help.

Use FindLaw to hire a local asbestos lawyer to seek compensation for medical expenses resulting from asbestos exposure or mesothelioma cancer.

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Detailed law firm profiles have information like the firm’s area of law, office location, office hours, and payment options. Attorney profiles include the biography, education and training, and client recommendations of an attorney to help you decide who to hire.

Use the contact form on the profiles to connect with a California attorney for legal advice.

California is currently ranked No. 1  in the United States for mesothelioma andasbestosis deaths.  It is estimated that 2,276 to 3,795 malignant mesotheliomadeaths occur every year due to prolonged exposure to asbestos. In many instances,asbestos exposure came directly from working at job sites that used the toxic mineral for its affordability and resistance to heat and fire. Consequently, numerous people have turned to a experienced California mesothelioma lawyer to help them fight against the manufacturers that exposed them to asbestos.

There is currently more than $30 billion available in trusts funds for those who have been affected by an asbestos-related illness. If you’ve been diagnosed withmesothelioma, asbestos-related lung cancer, or asbestosis, you may be entitled to significant compensation. We invite you to use our Asbestos Attorney Locator Tool to find a top mesothelioma lawyer in your area.

We are happy to offer assistance to families in all California cities and towns, such as:

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Fresno, Sacramento, Long Beach, Oakland, Bakersfield, Anaheim, Santa Ana, Riverside, Stockton, Chula Vista, Irvine, Fremont, San Bernardino, Modesto, Oxnard, Fontana, Moreno, Valley, Huntington Beach, Glendale, Santa Clarita, Garden Grove, Oceanside, Santa Rosa, Rancho Cucamonga, Ontario, Elk Grove, Lancaster, Corona, Palmdale, Salinas, Hayward, Pomona, Escondido, Sunnyvale, Torrance, Orange, Pasadena, Fullerton, Thousand Oaks, Visalia, Roseville, Simi Valley, Concord, Victorville, Santa Clara, Vallejo, Berkeley, El Monte, Downey, Costa Mesa, Inglewood, Carlsbad, Fairfield, Ventura, West Covina, Richmond, Murrieta, Antioch, Temecula, Norwalk, Daly City, Burbank, Santa Maria, El Cajon, Rialto, San Mateo, Clovis, Jurupa Valley, Compton, Vista, Mission Viejo, South Gate, Vacaville, Carson, Santa Monica, Hesperia, Westminster, Redding, Santa Barbara, San Marcos, Chico, San Leandro, Newport Beach, Whittier, Hawthorne, Citrus Heights, Livermore, Tracy Alhambra, Indio, Menifee, Buena Park, Hemet, Lakewood, Merced, Chino, and more.


Asbestos materials were used in the U.S. from the early 1900s until the 1970s in construction, shipbuilding, automobile manufacturing, electronics, and national defense applications. After the the early 1970s, when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) first linked asbestos exposure to lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma, U.S. mining of asbestos gradually stopped.

However, asbestos’ carcinogenic effects continue to affect millions of individuals, mostly men who served in the military or in any industry which used asbestos between its peak years of use. Due to the prevalence of asbestos used by civilian industries and military facilities in California, everyone in the state is potentially at risk of being exposed to asbestos.

California is particularly vulnerable to a marked increase in mesothelioma deaths for several reasons. The state is home to many types of industries which at one time were large-scale users of asbestos. For instance, during World War II, California contained aircraft factories, manufacturers of radar and radio equipment, shipyards, and automobile plants.

All of these industrial complexes used asbestos for various purposes. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, electricians, pipefitters, plumbers, shipbuilders, and steamfitters were the civilian and military workers who were most exposed to asbestos between the late 1930s and the end of the war.

Furthermore, military personnel who served between World War II and the mid-1970s were exposed to asbestos for long periods of time while on active duty. This is the principal reason why mesothelioma is diagnosed mainly in white males aged 65 and older.

Women and children in California are at risk of increased exposure to asbestos fibers in the near future. Because the state’s population boom coincided with the prosperity of the post-Depression recovery of the late 1940s and early ‘50s, thousands of asbestos-laden homes and residential developments still exist in California. With the popularity of home makeover shows on television, it is possible that many homeowners will carry out do-it-yourself renovation projects and stir asbestos dust into the air as a consequence.

California is also one of the largest repositories of naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) thanks in part to its propensity for earthquake activity. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), asbestiform minerals occur in soil and rock as a result of natural geologic processes.

In California, NOAs lie in veins near fault lines on the coastal plains and the lower elevations of the Sierra Nevada. NOAs are harmless to humans if they remain undisturbed under the Earth’s surface. However, the effects of natural erosion and human activity stir up asbestos fibers and release them into the air.


The explosive increase of California’s population since the 1940s not only resulted in the state’s dynamic economic expansion, but also in an increase in mesothelioma diagnoses and deaths. As more people moved to the state to seek jobs or to live in California’s temperate climate after World War II, the resulting boom in construction resulted in widespread use of asbestos.

At the time, asbestos’ health dangers were not widely known. Instead, the mineral fibers’ heat- and fire-resistant properties made them attractive for the construction industry. As a result, millions of homes, schools, office buildings, and factories were built with materials filled with asbestos. Workers who handled drywall, insulation, roofing materials, steam pipes, plumbing materials, and electrical wiring exposed the most.


Until the 1970s, when EPA researchers first made official links between asbestos and mesothelioma, many companies and government agencies used the minerals for various purposes. Asbestos-laden materials were used to either strengthen other construction materials or to resist high temperatures and fires. These properties were of useful in industries that were at high risk of fire or extreme heat because of the innate nature of their production methods.

In California, asbestos materials were used by many companies. Electric companies, including Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas & Electric used asbestos in power generating plants and powerhouses. Other major enterprises included automobile, aviation, electronics equipment, computer science and chemical industries. Examples includes Chrysler, Ford Motor Company, Boeing, North American Aviation, Rockwell, Honeywell International, Union Carbide, U.S. Steel, and Chevron. The asbestos industry itself also had presence in California, being represented by industrial companies such as Bell Asbestos Mines, Ltd. and Calaveras Asbestos, Ltd.


California’s initial response to the linkage of asbestos to mesothelioma was to enact laws that mandated lower exposure rates. According to the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR), Title 8 sets specific guidelines for each industry for the reduction of asbestos exposure. Such guidelines include the use of HEPA vacuums for cleaning areas where asbestos dust is commonly found, sealing enclosures during the cleaning process, and alternative methods scientifically proven to be safe and efficient. In addition, Title 8 requires all employers in the state to provide adequate levels of air quality and to document all instances of asbestos exposure. The DIR’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health enforces California’s asbestos standards in various areas, including construction, shipbuilding, and more.

Under subchapter 7 of Title 8, Section 5208 of the California Code of Regulations, there are several laws pertaining to the abatement, handling, removal, and disposal of asbestos within the state, which includes the following:

Breathing air zone examples must be made available to all employees who work around asbestos. This will determine the not only the amount of asbestos that employees are around, but also help to limit the amount of time they are around it.
Employees who work around asbestos must be monitored at all times according to the time-weighted average limit (TWA)
Employees must be professionally trained on how to work around and handle asbestos.
Facility and building owners are responsible for determining where any asbestos is located as well as the amount. They must then inform both employees and their employers that are responsible for handling asbestos.
Warning signs and posting that clearly convey asbestos in the work area must always be posted around the vicinity of the workplace.
Protective clothing and respirators must be worn at all times by workers who are around asbestos. Tools and equipment must also be cleaned thoroughly before they can leave the area in which the asbestos project occurred.
For more detailed information, contact the California Department of Industrial Regulation’s at 510-286-7000.


The Cal. Code Civ. Proc. § 335.1 mandates that asbestos-related cases in California are filed separately from personal injury cases as well as different statute of limitations. Plaintiffs filing an asbestos-related lawsuit must do so within one year after the victim suffered from the first signs of the condition or within one year after the victim knew or should have reasonably known about the condition. Wrongful deaths lawsuits must also be filed within one year of the victim’s death date.


For over 25 years, the mesothelioma attorneys at Levy Konigsberg LLP have been recognized by clients and other lawyers alike as the “right attorneys” for the legal needs of mesothelioma victims across the United States. The decades of successful representation of mesothelioma patients have helped our lawyers develop an unparalleled arsenal of knowledge, experience, skills, and reputation that has enabled them to obtain substantial recoveries on behalf of so many mesothelioma victims and their family members all over America.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, we encourage you to explore our attorneys’ track record, so that you too can make the right choice and get the mesothelioma lawyers that will stand by you and fight relentlessly until you receive the justice and compensation you deserve.

Here’s a summary of who we are and what we have to offer:

Pioneers of mesothelioma litigation in America
Massive knowledge of asbestos law and science
Unparalleled experience among mesothelioma attorneys
Hundreds of asbestos and mesothelioma cases tried before jury
Record mesothelioma and asbestos compensation verdicts
Highest peer reviews and ratings
Hundreds of satisfied clients
Caring and understanding personnel
Personally handling mesothelioma cases
Individual approach and attention to every case
No upfront costs for handling your mesothelioma case
Fast handling of mesothelioma cases
Frequent case updates and high accessibility
Everything you would expect from the right mesothelioma attorneys

Since the 1970s, our founding partners were pioneers in championing the rights of asbestos and mesothelioma victims. In fact, Stan Levy was the first personal injury lawyer in the Northeast to pursue an asbestos case and one of the first mesothelioma attorneys in America.

Later in 1985, he and the founding partners Steven Phillips and Alan Konigsberg formed the law firm with a mission to apply their remarkable legal expertise to seek justice and financial compensation on behalf of asbestos and mesothelioma victims across the United States.


Since the 1980s, the law firm has evolved into a nationwide powerhouse for mesothelioma litigation in the U.S. Our mesothelioma lawyers have represented numerous individuals and groups of workers and won for them multi-million-dollar settlements and verdicts.

Understanding the science of asbestos exposure is an invaluable resource. One of the many benefits of our early involvement in mesothelioma litigation is our access to pioneering researchers and experts in this complex and ever-changing medical field. We put these experts to work on behalf of our clients, in the courtroom and in treatment of their disease.

Since then, our attorneys have amassed considerable knowledge of asbestos-related diseases and the law that applies to them. Our lawyers have combined that knowledge and expertise into a powerful resource for our mesothelioma clients and their family members.


Our founding partners still practice with the firm and are joined by our second and third generation of mesothelioma attorneys. These lawyers bring to bear on every case a level of experience that can only come from decades of working together toward a common goal – maximum compensation for mesothelioma victims and their families.

Each new generation of mesothelioma attorneys at the firm acquires the skills, techniques, and knowledge of our senior partners through mentoring relationships. Not only does this benefit every lawyer, it benefits our clients in the form of consistently successful representation.


Our mesothelioma attorneys fight for justice for the innocent people – the victims of deadly asbestos exposure. Companies that knew the threat asbestos poses must be held accountable for the illnesses that resulted from their negligence.

Our lawyers have succeeded by negotiating vigorously with manufacturers of asbestos products and their insurance companies, no matter how influential or uncooperative they are. Our attorneys are often able to recover compensation even from those companies that have long been bankrupt.

Most defense lawyers are familiar with our solid reputation and credentials and know in advance that we will not settle for less than the best possible offer. They know that we build every mesothelioma and asbestos case as if it is going to trial, and we have taken hundreds of cases to juries when a fair settlement had not been offered.

The mesothelioma attorneys at Levy Konigsberg LLP have also served as lead counsels in major state and federal mass consolidation cases designed to benefit many hundreds of people diagnosed with mesothelioma and other types of asbestos-related diseases.


Mesothelioma attorneys at Levy Konigsberg LLP have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for victims of mesothelioma and asbestos cancers.

We are proud of the work our lawyers do on behalf of our clients, often in groundbreaking cases against the toughest defendants. Our law firm has obtained landmark asbestos and mesothelioma jury verdicts for exposures to welding rods, cable, asbestos gaskets and packing, commercial talc, and industrial equipment, including the first ever jury verdicts against welding rod, cable, and commercial talk manufacturers.

Our law firm is frequently referenced by the legal press for our association with the largest and landmark asbestos and mesothelioma verdicts in virtually every category, including various jurisdictions, types of asbestos products involved, and forms of asbestos exposure.


Our mesothelioma attorneys’ efforts are not only recognized by juries, but by colleagues who continually deem us to be top-rated Super Lawyers® and Best Lawyers®.

Six of the firm’s eight partners have been honored with an AV® Preeminent™ rating, the highest given, from the nationwide Martindale-Hubbell® Peer Review Ratings™.

Year after year, the six partners are designated by their peers as Super Lawyers® and five of them as the Best Lawyers® in America.

Our asbestos lawyers’ knowledge and experience are in high demand – they are invited to speak at a number of nationwide conferences held in different parts of the country every year.


Our clients are the central and most precious part of our law firm’s practice, and their satisfaction is our top goal and priority. We get the greatest motivation to our continued success in this area of law from our clients’ appreciation of our work.

We are inspired by our clients’ gratitude, which is expressed so emotionally during our meetings and phone conversations with them, through their letters and thank you cards, as well as video testimonials, some of which you can review right on this website.


For clients, we understand that their case is their whole life. Our attorneys treat them with the care they deserve. We address their unique needs and do our utmost to help them put their life back together as much as possible.

The first days and weeks following a mesothelioma diagnosis are devastating. They want answers. They need solutions.

At Levy Konigsberg LLP our lawyers understand their fears and frustrations. We have seen it in countless mesothelioma cases throughout our practice. That is why we have made it our unwavering mission to help.

Hundreds of mesothelioma victims and their family members trust us, because our attorneys have stood by their side and fought for their rights. They have been there for them from beginning to end to ensure that they had the legal guidance and support they needed.


Countless lawyers who advertise to position themselves as mesothelioma attorneys have never actually handled an asbestos case before. In fact, they refer them out to real mesothelioma lawyers for a fee. That is not how we operate. We are the real mesothelioma attorneys who work personally on each case from beginning to end and always happy to meet our clients, whether at our New York or New Jersey offices or at a client’s home or hospital anywhere in the country.


Unfortunately, many law firms today use a generalized approach to handling cases of the same type, even those as complex as mesothelioma cases. With a goal of cutting back on the time spent on each case, they use broad brush practices and techniques to process cases as fast as they can often risking the possibility of missing important details in a case and thus undermining the goal of negotiating the best possible compensation for their clients. Contrary to such mentality, we treat every case as if it was our only one. We investigate each case with a team of lawyers, paralegals, and leading experts in the field, while being in constant communication with the clients, to ensure that we have done everything we could to reach the full potential of each individual case.


We offer a free initial consultation, and cover the expenses of building your case, so there is no cost to you unless we recover compensation for you.


In many courts, mesothelioma cases are treated urgently and given high priority. This is particularly true if the claimant is alive. In some jurisdictions, the entire case can be resolved within four to five months; in others, it can take longer.

Here, at Levy Konigsberg LLP our attorneys do everything possible to avoid delays and move our cases as quickly as we can. This is accomplished thanks to the coordinated work of our team members and the fact that every mesothelioma case goes through a strict control and supervision, including regular follow-ups and reviews by the lead lawyers.


As a client of Levy Konigsberg LLP, you should expect of our mesothelioma attorneys the highest level of professionalism, amicability, and genuine interest in achieving the maximum possible results in your case.

As part of the services on your mesothelioma case, our lawyers will be ready and happy to:

Answer all of your questions;
Obtain your medical history;
Link you with nationally recognized specialists;
Consider your work history to determine your exposure location;
Front the costs for pursuing your case;
Hire medical, economic, engineering, and vocational experts;
Build a solid case;
File a claim on your behalf against the responsible party or parties;
Negotiate vigorously for an optimal settlement that can cover various elements of damage including:
Past, future, and experimental medical treatment expenses;
Lost wages and future earning power;
Pain and suffering;
Loss of consortium;
Take your case to trial, when necessary, to obtain fair compensation;
Appeal adverse rulings or verdicts to higher courts, if necessary.
Don’t entrust your case to just any mesothelioma attorneys. See the difference a team of AV-rated Super Lawyers and Best Lawyers, can make in your case and in your life just as our lawyers have done right by hundreds of other satisfied clients.

NOTE: While our offices are located in the states of New York, New Jersey, and Georgia, many of our mesothelioma lawyers are licensed to practice law in a number of U.S. states and have the capability and extensive experience of representing mesothelioma clients throughout the United States.