Acquiring compensation for asbestos exposure and the diseases that result from it – such as mesothelioma – can be a straightforward process with the assistance of a legal team that is experienced in handling mesothelioma claims. Identifying an experienced law firm with expertise in asbestos litigation to help you manage your mesothelioma lawsuit is the best strategy for pursuing your legal claims and assuring that you receive the maximum amount of compensation based upon your individual claims.

This page provides detailed information about the types of mesothelioma compensation you may be eligible for should you decide to file a mesothelioma claim, along with information about what to expect when going through the legal process.
Types of Asbestos Compensation

In general, there are four types of compensation available for mesothelioma claims.
One way to receive compensation for asbestos-related diseases is through a legal settlement. To receive a settlement, it is first necessary to file a claim against one or more companies for either personal injury or wrongful death. Often times, companies will prefer to settle such claims rather than to risk a full trial, which could result in them having to pay even more money. Even if a case does go to trial, a claim may still be settled before the final verdict is issued.

Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust Funds
Exposure to asbestos has a long history, and over time a number of companies that manufactured, distributed, sold, or used asbestos products and materials have either gone out of business, merged with other corporations, or been restructured due to bankruptcy. In some cases, the downfall of these companies was due directly to the liability they incurred because of their use of asbestos.
Even though such companies no longer exist, it may still be possible to receive compensation from them. In many instances, the companies were required to establish asbestos bankruptcy trust funds (“asbestos trusts”) and fund them with enough money to pay mesothelioma claims brought against them. These mesothelioma trust funds typically have a set of established criteria, and mesothelioma victims who meet those criteria can expect to receive compensation from the fund.


If your case goes to trial and the defendant does not settle, there are two likely outcomes: Liable or not liable. If the defendant is found liable, money is usually awarded to you. Each mesothelioma case is unique, and there are no set guidelines for claim compensation from asbestos exposure.
If you win, the amount owed to you depends on the facts of your case and other factors, such as medical costs and lost income.


Many people who served in a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces were exposed to asbestos — especially those who worked in shipbuilding during World War II. Veterans have a right to file a claim with the VA seeking compensation for any injuries or illnesses developed while serving their country.
Paperwork can be confusing and complicated, but you can reach the Veterans Department at The Mesothelioma Center for assistance filing your claims.

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